Tuesday, May 17, 2016

One Heart at a Time ~ Answered Prayer

Answered Prayer
Lynda Allen

I sit beside the river and pray.
There are no words to my prayer,
there is only me in the silence, prayerful,
waiting for the words to form that can express the longing of my soul for reunion.
The longing of my soul for the Beloved,
the one I have felt,
to appear, to take form before me.

A tail thrashes and breaks the surface of the water.
Raindrops form perfect circles as they rejoin their kin in the river.
With its prize firmly grasped in its talons, an osprey shakes off the water like a dog,
following a perfect dive below the surface.
All touch and transform the ever flowing waters.

The Beloved recognized in each raindrop and ripple,
in each dive below the surface,
and in each stirring that reaches out from within.

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