Wednesday, December 4, 2019

As the Winter Solstice Approaches


It is December.
The winter solstice approaches.
While it heralds the beginning of winter,
a time of contemplation and retreat,
more importantly for me
it marks the returning of the light.
A gradual shift each day that can be seen
if looked for.

Before its arrival, I will sift through
the experiences and lessons of the fading year,
which were plentiful,
using a sieve fine enough to separate
those worth carrying forward
and those that can be left behind
upon the sands of time.

Those worth keeping,
I will lay gently within my heart
where they will be warm and cherished,
knowing that I may return to them
when I have a moment of forgetting
or despair,
that I may revive myself by their light.

Then, as the solstice dawns I will celebrate my divine light
and the gift of guidance it provides,
committing again to nurture it
and let it increase daily, as nature illustrates.
A gradual shift each day that can be seen
if looked for.

So illuminated, I will greet the new year. 

©2019 Lynda Allen

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