Friday, February 6, 2015


Lynda Allen

What does it mean to listen? To hear?
I can hear your voice, and not hear your words.
I can hear your words, and not hear your meaning.
I can hear your meaning, and not hear your heart.

If I can be quiet enough to hear your heart,
then I can hear your story in your meaning.
I can hear your truth in your words.
I can hear your soul in your voice.

If I can be quiet enough,
I can honor your life as I listen.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is so apropros from an experience I had with our Zulu cook. One day I made a special request of him which he did follow through with. And the next day I went to him and thanked him for "hearing" me (instead of what I normally would have said, "listening" to me). It just "felt" right. :)