Saturday, August 31, 2013

A country song for Sherlock fans....

I'm not really a song writer by trade, more of a poet, but I'm a Sherlock fan and these words just came to me one day. I dedicate it to all you Sherlock fans out there who have left your loved ones behind just to see what he and Watson would do next. :)

No Shit Sherlock
by Lynda Allen

It happened one night
‘Long round nine o’clock
He turned me away saying,
Sorry darlin’ it’s time for Sherlock.

That’s when I knew
Though I didn’t want it to be true
That’s when I knew Holmes
Had ruined our happy home.

I couldn’t believe
He would turn me away
Just to hear what freaking Watson
Had to say

That’s when I knew
Though I didn’t want it to be true
That’s when I knew Holmes
Had ruined our happy home.

Sadly, I went to our room
Our once happy love nest
I packed everything that was mine
And left all the rest.

The light of the TV
Lit his damn face
And I called out,
"I’m finally leaving this place."

That’s when I knew
Though I didn’t want it to be true
That’s when I knew Holmes
Had ruined our happy home.

With my hand on the door
Finally he looked up in shock,
"You’re walking out and leaving me?"
I just smiled and said, "No shit Sherlock."

©2012 Lynda Allen

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